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Latrodectus Deobfuscation - Removal of Junk Comments and Self-Referencing Code

Identifying and Removing Obfuscation in a Self-Referencing Latrodectus Loader

Advanced CyberChef Techniques for Configuration Extraction - Detailed Walkthrough and Examples

Advanced CyberChef techniques using Registers, Regex and Flow Control

Building Advanced Threat Intel Queries Utilising Regex and TLS Certificates - (BianLian)

Creating Regex Signatures on TLS Certificates with Censys.

Ghidra Basics - Manual Shellcode Decryption

Manually Reversing a decryption function using Ghidra, ChatGPT and CyberChef.

Remcos Downloader Analysis - Manual Deobfuscation of  Visual Basic and Powershell

Decoding a Remcos Loader, leveraging regex, python and Cyberchef to identify IOCs.

Cobalt Strike .VBS  Loader - Decoding with Advanced CyberChef and Emulation

Manually decoding a Cobalt Strike .vbs Loader utilising advanced CyberChef and Shellcode Emulation.

Cobalt Strike Loader Deobfuscation Using CyberChef and Emulation (.hta files)

Decoding a .hta script with CyberChef and analysing Shellcode with the SpeakEasy Emulator.

Dcrat Deobfuscation - How to Manually Decode a 3-Stage .NET Malware

Manual analysis and deobfuscation of a .NET based Dcrat. Touching on Custom Python Scripts, Cyberchef and .NET analysis with Dnspy.

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