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Melbourne, Australia

Matthew's Work

42 Posts
Tracking Malicious Infrastructure With DNS Records - Vultur Banking Trojan

Tracking Malicious Infrastructure Of the Vultur Banking Trojan.

Identifying MatanBuchus Domains Through Hardcoded Certificate Values

Identifying malicious infrastructure through hardcoded TLS Certificates and Subdomains.

Passive DNS Pivoting -  Uncovering APT Infrastructure Through Historical Records and Subdomain Analysis

Leveraging Passive DNS to identify APT infrastructure. Building on public intelligence reports.

Introduction To Discovering Malicious Infrastructure Through Passive DNS Pivoting

Malware Infrastructure Tracking Using Passive DNS Intelligence.

Latrodectus Deobfuscation - Removal of Junk Comments and Self-Referencing Code

Identifying and Removing Obfuscation in a Self-Referencing Latrodectus Loader

Advanced CyberChef Techniques for Configuration Extraction - Detailed Walkthrough and Examples

Advanced CyberChef techniques using Registers, Regex and Flow Control

Practical Queries for Identifying Malware Infrastructure With FOFA

Identifying malware infrastructure with the FOFA scanner.

How to Use Ghidra to Analyse Shellcode and Extract Cobalt Strike Command & Control Servers

Manual analysis of Cobalt Strike Shellcode with Ghidra. Identifying function calls and resolving API hashing.

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